Freedom Calls
by S Edwards
To be imprisoned in a 6 x 6 cell, by captors who play mental acrobats with the mind and soul is not for the faint hearted. Separated from her male companions, this is the position that seaman Faye Turney found herself in, when she was singled out as the only woman in the recent hostage crisis in the Middle East. It was a situation where the possibility of rape, and the unknown time span of imprisonment, must have played havoc in her thoughts. It was a time when the real possibility of permanent separation from her family and child were paramount, and it was ultimately the hope of being re-united with her family that apparently helped her to survive.
It was also seaman Arthur Bachelor, the youngest of the crew, who suffered and highlighted the pain of his torment in a recent press interview. Blindfolded, and taunted, he was also subjected to the fear of assault, when his captors lovingly caressed his hair. Afraid he was being singled out as the weakest and youngest of the crew, the fear of persecution, and indeed execution was possibly very real and threatening outcomes.
Since their release, much criticism, and much praise, has been heaped on the released sailors and marines. In particular, both Faye Turney and Arthur Bachelor have been criticized and condemned heavily for receiving six figure payments for their stories. Co-inciding with the death of four British army personnel, two of which were women, there actions were insensitive, yet permitted by the Royal Navy whose role it was to de-brief and advise these personnel.
In particular, the two weakest of the group should have received protection from the media interest and condemnation that would certainly pursue them. Not only have these two seaman been played with by the enemy overseas, but definately ill-advised, and possibly used by the enemy within their own homeland, and ultimately the enemy within themselves, whilst in this vunerable state.
Whilst not undermining the very real and very frightening reality of being held captive in a foreign land, few people watching the drama of this recent hostage situation, and commenting on the rights and wrongs of the Royal Navy have unfortunately failed to miss the point. Confinement, pressure, fear, blackmail and threats are the traits and spirits that live in every human heart and home. Few fail to realize that we live in a 6 x 6 cell, with an invisible wall of fear confining us each and every day of our lives from cradle to grave, unless we overcome the emotional blackmail that we encounter every day in the world inside and outside, in this world we call life. This most surely is the ultimate battle of our lives.
Freedom, never has, and never will be the ability to move and do exactly as we wish. Money, family, friends, and apparent good health still create a void in those fortunate enough to see that the apparent freedom they think they possess is really the chains that bind them further in the life they pursued in order search for this apparent illusion of freedom. The realization that the world possesses the ability to hold us captive, is a rude, but very blessed, awakening call to the seaman and marines, and the onlookers of the world. The backing and support of a whole human army did nothing to help them escape or overcome the very real trauma experienced, when confined and persecuted against our will.
In the apparent freedom they now possess on their return back to the UK, honest examination will reflect in the still moments of the day, the vunerability and lack of genuine strength, we all possess.The illusion of freedom, when compensated with money does nothing to heal the resentful heart. Unfortunately, both Faye Turney and Arthur Bachelor may be deeply regretting their ill informed choice, most especially, when in the realization of dawn, they may continue to suffer the aftermath of their ordeal.
The gift of apparent freedom, as a mark of respect for Easter, given by Mohammed Ahmadinejad, also did much damage to many unaware onlookers as to what true freedom is. After tormenting the hostages, his gift of freedom stood in sharp contrast in comparison to the real gift of Easter given to us by Jesus Christ. Tormented, persecuted and vilified, he suffered innocently in order to show us that evil can be overcome. He showed us the way. His example to us, is the true gift of freedom.
To be still and know is the gift of prayer. When practised, its deeper meaner can be witnessed throughout the bible. In particular, it is the Lords Prayer, and genuine love, that ultimately possesses you in its practise.
Understanding the subtle tricks of evil, the illusion of freedom, and the virtues that patience and stillness possess, are the gifts, that we are graciously given when we practice this prayer. In the small capitvating moments of every day, or in the larger world-wide events of evil displayed on the world wide stage, the answer continually calls. Be Still and Know. Submitting and surrendering to the right force brings the right freedom. It can be ours, when we yearn to be released from our captors.