Saturday, 13 September 2008

Freedom Calls

Freedom Calls
by S Edwards

To be imprisoned in a 6 x 6 cell, by captors who play mental acrobats with the mind and soul is not for the faint hearted. Separated from her male companions, this is the position that seaman Faye Turney found herself in, when she was singled out as the only woman in the recent hostage crisis in the Middle East. It was a situation where the possibility of rape, and the unknown time span of imprisonment, must have played havoc in her thoughts. It was a time when the real possibility of permanent separation from her family and child were paramount, and it was ultimately the hope of being re-united with her family that apparently helped her to survive.

It was also seaman Arthur Bachelor, the youngest of the crew, who suffered and highlighted the pain of his torment in a recent press interview. Blindfolded, and taunted, he was also subjected to the fear of assault, when his captors lovingly caressed his hair. Afraid he was being singled out as the weakest and youngest of the crew, the fear of persecution, and indeed execution was possibly very real and threatening outcomes.

Since their release, much criticism, and much praise, has been heaped on the released sailors and marines. In particular, both Faye Turney and Arthur Bachelor have been criticized and condemned heavily for receiving six figure payments for their stories. Co-inciding with the death of four British army personnel, two of which were women, there actions were insensitive, yet permitted by the Royal Navy whose role it was to de-brief and advise these personnel.

In particular, the two weakest of the group should have received protection from the media interest and condemnation that would certainly pursue them. Not only have these two seaman been played with by the enemy overseas, but definately ill-advised, and possibly used by the enemy within their own homeland, and ultimately the enemy within themselves, whilst in this vunerable state.

Whilst not undermining the very real and very frightening reality of being held captive in a foreign land, few people watching the drama of this recent hostage situation, and commenting on the rights and wrongs of the Royal Navy have unfortunately failed to miss the point. Confinement, pressure, fear, blackmail and threats are the traits and spirits that live in every human heart and home. Few fail to realize that we live in a 6 x 6 cell, with an invisible wall of fear confining us each and every day of our lives from cradle to grave, unless we overcome the emotional blackmail that we encounter every day in the world inside and outside, in this world we call life. This most surely is the ultimate battle of our lives.

Freedom, never has, and never will be the ability to move and do exactly as we wish. Money, family, friends, and apparent good health still create a void in those fortunate enough to see that the apparent freedom they think they possess is really the chains that bind them further in the life they pursued in order search for this apparent illusion of freedom. The realization that the world possesses the ability to hold us captive, is a rude, but very blessed, awakening call to the seaman and marines, and the onlookers of the world. The backing and support of a whole human army did nothing to help them escape or overcome the very real trauma experienced, when confined and persecuted against our will.

In the apparent freedom they now possess on their return back to the UK, honest examination will reflect in the still moments of the day, the vunerability and lack of genuine strength, we all possess.The illusion of freedom, when compensated with money does nothing to heal the resentful heart. Unfortunately, both Faye Turney and Arthur Bachelor may be deeply regretting their ill informed choice, most especially, when in the realization of dawn, they may continue to suffer the aftermath of their ordeal.

The gift of apparent freedom, as a mark of respect for Easter, given by Mohammed Ahmadinejad, also did much damage to many unaware onlookers as to what true freedom is. After tormenting the hostages, his gift of freedom stood in sharp contrast in comparison to the real gift of Easter given to us by Jesus Christ. Tormented, persecuted and vilified, he suffered innocently in order to show us that evil can be overcome. He showed us the way. His example to us, is the true gift of freedom.

To be still and know is the gift of prayer. When practised, its deeper meaner can be witnessed throughout the bible. In particular, it is the Lords Prayer, and genuine love, that ultimately possesses you in its practise.

Understanding the subtle tricks of evil, the illusion of freedom, and the virtues that patience and stillness possess, are the gifts, that we are graciously given when we practice this prayer. In the small capitvating moments of every day, or in the larger world-wide events of evil displayed on the world wide stage, the answer continually calls. Be Still and Know. Submitting and surrendering to the right force brings the right freedom. It can be ours, when we yearn to be released from our captors.

Silver Surfers

Silver Surfers
The increase of pensioners using internet ‘dating’ services may raise a few smiles, but little is spoken of the harm that one does to the soul, when in the twilight of their years, people continue to search for love outside of themselves.

Lonliness, most especially in the elderly is rife, and much sympathy is extended to those who eventually find themselves alone, after a lifetime of companionship. Grief is natural, but grief can also serve as a pre-requisite to finding and searching for the true meaning of love.

In a recent UK survey by Telewest Broadband it was found that in subscribers over the age of 50, 43 per cent search for far-flung friends, 22 per cent play games such as bingo, and 7 per cent visit online dating services and chat rooms.

In a recent TV documentary, the plight of people in their seventies searching for ‘love’ on the internet was highlighted. One gentleman in his late seventies, worked out at the gym every day. He had the body of a twenty year old, which was admirable, but was currently on-line to a young woman in her early forties.

Another, a woman, was looking for ‘fun’ and companionship. She submitted herself to Botox injections each month to maintain her looks to attract younger men.

Discussion following this documentary was celebrated in favour of the elderly finding love in this way, and encouragement was given to the more able bodied to learn and have access to computers, in every environment, in order to overcome this problem of lonliness. In other words the act against ‘age discrimination’ extends to elderly people still enjoying the fruits of adoloscent behaviour, and the population should be encouraged and entitled to have access to whatever means available to achieve this.

The age discrimination act is also encouraging the break down of attitudes towards different age groups. Many people using internet dating services are also encouraging immigration based on the law that now allows ‘partners’ to gain citizenship in popular countries. This is yet another loop hole in the battle against over-population and illegal entry, all based on the most popular misconception of what Love is comprised of. This also extends to much older immigrants who wish to co-habit with an internet partner.

Whilst one can admire the reluctance to embrace cosy armchair living, it was however especially sad to see the opposite end of the spectrum, translated in these adults. They had a wealth of experience and wisdom they could have potentially offered had they developed under the law and love of their Creator. Instead it was sad to see lonliness lead them into the misconceptions of their youth.

Internet technology, is wonderful for finding out information and facts, and also maintaining contact with like minds, but the wisdom that an older generation should be imparting could never be ‘good’ when the internet is being used to combat lonliness.

The Bible speaks often of Christ being called to lonely places. It was in these lonely places that he communed with his father. Lonliness need never exist were we to stop running and rest in this place and know him. It is wonderful to live a purposeful life and to have friendship, but never to use the technology and distraction of the world to fill the empty gap that exists inside. Silver surfers need never grow old. Ideally they should stand as an example of a life lived serving God, imparting wisdom and sensibility down through the generations.

Maybe is never too late to find the true meaning of Love. Now is the time for all those older internet daters to Be Still and Know….

Hidden Journey

The Hidden Journey
by S Edwards

For priests who work in the ministry, in service to others, their accountability must be flawless. Whilst men are only human, and only God is Good, those who are called to serve do so often unaware of the responsibility that lies on their heads; for here is where the vulnerable and often the most weak amongst us look to during times of great distress and trouble.
It is often in the ministry, and most notably recorded in the catholic church, where stories of abuse have been the most prolific. Stories abound of both sexual, physical and mental abuse inflicted on those, who have looked to both men and women in positions of spiritual authority for help. These are the representatives of God, and whilst we must come to call no man teacher or father, for a while, it is these representatives who stand in a most privileged place that should have a ‘duty’ to protect and lead those less strong than themselves.
Much has been spoken about the forced ‘celibacy’ that many catholic priests undergo in their call to priesthood and service, and with very good reason. Unfortunately, little is spoken of the cause and the reason ‘why’ many men in the priesthood submit and subject themselves to a celibate life in the church. Many enter the ministry to overcome a more ‘darker’ side of their nature. Celibacy comes only by submission and discipline to God. In many instances it is more difficult for some than others to do this.
The Holy Mother is the most beautiful example of a woman called to serve, but she called her son Lord, and sought not to teach him his father’s way. Though she is respected and cherished as such, and many a mother’s heart is bonded with her, her influence in the catholic church, by which man has placed her, could possibly be a problem to those men who need Gods Love to destroy a certain type of spirit.
In the book ‘Hidden Journey.’ the mystic, and new age teacher, Andrew Harvey also speaks of his quest for spiritual enlightenment, and attributes his love and eventual enlightenment and final search to the avatar of ‘Mother Meera’. He now claims however, that the Indian guru, Mother Meera has cursed him with depression, since ‘disapproving’ of his recent marriage to another man. However, for many years he sat at her feet for ‘darshan’, a spiritual blessing from an avatar known as the incarnation of God on this earth. She accepted his homage willingly and knowingly.
Many priests entering the ministry, do so with every good intention, but with little understanding of our fallen natures, and the reason it exists. Whilst it is true that there is absolutely nothing that God cannot ‘heal’, there are many that duplicate the enlightened soul, such as in the case of Mother Meera and Andrew Harvey, who ride on the fame of ‘new age’ and hurt the unsuspecting. Harvey may not belong to any affiliated religion but his books damage others in their search for the spiritual answer, and Mother Meera could never replace nor lead Andrew Harvey to the love that he so desperately needed, which should have been that of a ‘Father’.
There are many in the ministry who will adhere to the vows they have made, and no-one will ever suspect that they live with an inner struggle that causes pain to themselves and others. This spirit can hide for a while, giving the impression it has gone, but it’s name is Sly, and it can cause great harm to many when it is unleashed on those who search for spiritual answers and find themselves in its presence. It preys on the weak and the vunerable, and it preys on those who show promise, who have a destiny. It is ‘rife’ in the churches, where in its infancy it went for some semblance of help and relief.
It attacks not only children, but adults, most ravenously, because it is here in a church where we should have the ‘utmost’ trust. It is here in the ‘haven’ of a church where evil can do its most serious damage.
Many people will enter into ministry believing they have been ‘called’ to do so. Could it be that this calling is not unto a ministry, but a calling from God himself to come to Him for healing.
The Sanhedrin, were the religious teachers and scholars of Christ’s day and most did not recognise their Saviour. Today many enter the ministry under the false assumption they have been ‘called’ to do so. It is in this confusion maybe, and the lack of discussion about why men and women enter the priesthood, and why they are so readily accepted that should be of paramount importance.Intention to preach, and to give one’s life to service in the church is a growing industry, and whilst those of us fortunate enough to find the inner journey alone, no longer suffer at the hands of misled priests, there are those, less fortunate.
The inner journey, the stillness, the objectivity we are encouraged to practise is spoken of continually through the pages of the bible. We are encouraged to pray privately, to rest in quiet places and to Be Still. We are fortunate that in this bad, mad and crazy world, we heard a voice, amidst the thousands of others, that led us back to sanity, and to our own sense within.
There are few in this world with the ability to lead us in these ways, and I wonder why the church overlooks the specific instructions that few men are too preach as a specific instruction.
There will always be some in every church who are indeed genuinely called to serve, but today they are becoming few. The true journey is becoming hidden. Sexual abuse will continue to grow within the church in the coming years. Polygamy is also on the increase with an emphasis on the current law making it illegal for polygamy to now be changed. Based on the facts that people outside a religious group are not persecuted for having multiple partners and children, the anti-discriminatory laws are now set in favour of the religious polygamist. It is worth noting however, that many sects that promote polygamy also marry girls as young as 13 years.
The TV programme ‘Big Love’ about the life of a polygamist’s family has also paved the way forward for polygamy to become more acceptable and attractive.
Amidst the millions of believers on this planet, how true is it that wide is the gate, and narrow is the path, and few are those who will find it. This is indeed a narrow journey, it has been confused often by those we were meant to trust. The true journey, the being still, is not hidden from those who sincerely search for Truth. The answer will always be, in this world of different faiths. Be Still and Know.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Spot the Difference

Spot the Difference
by S Edwards

Growing up around three sets of twins, my cousins would often confuse me a lot by taking on each others identity.

Seeing double vision, an identical replica of two faces, I have often wondered if this was not Gods message, speaking to me even then. Which one was the genuine one, could I spot the difference? Could I take its joke?

These days, things are not too bad. As they grow, twins display more distinctive characteristics that set them apart. These days I can tell a bit more about which twin I'm talking to.

Double vision is always there, there is a counterfeit identity appearing in every facet of life. What's wrong wants to confuse you and make you think it is more genuine. Like a photocopy, you have to look closely, to spot the difference. Sometimes you see it quickly, sometimes you dont..

A counterfeit image of something that can seem quite wonderful at first glance, can in reality be sometimes extremely ugly. All designed to stop you seeing and hearing a certain message. Always designed to make you look wrong.

And then sometimes you are never quite prepared for the beauty you are about to meet. The genuine thing. Wonderment tends to fall quite unexpectedly. And so it was, a long time ago now, when I turned a bend in the road and pulled up to witness the magnificence of Crater Lake. Standing on the rim, and taking in the blueness and magnificence of its size, I realized that America truly does have some of the biggest and best scenery in the world, and in the presence of this most beautiful lake, silence descended upon me. Its dominance tended to render and order me quiet. I noticed around me, that people spoke in a quieter tone. There was amazement in the air, that a snapshot can never display. I imagine that The Grand Canyon, and other such wonders have the same silencing effect.

But beauty aside, there is always that voice that wants to compete. Its beauty wants to be heard above all else. It wants to confuse. A loud voice of another extolling the magnificence of the view, somehow tended to have a pulling effect that cut through the message only silence can convey. The sound of it, breaks and distracts you from a much deeper message.

Later, caught up in my own peaceful haven, away from the crowds that day, the realization I would have to leave this place, weighed a little heavy in my heart. I did not want to leave. And so, as the sun went down, it fortunately came to me in its parting shot, in an instant of a second, when not confused in image, that even this lake was subject to something much much bigger, and so much more beautiful, And, if this was the beauty that could be with you always, then this would be the place I would now look for and want to be. Something more permanent had to be with me wherever I went. I could not stay and reside in the beauty of nature alone. There was a difference.

As years have passed this place of clarity has not at all been easy. Quite the opposite. The counterfeit image from the world of what reality is and who God actually is, also constantly tries to displace us to the deeper and truer meaning of His message. It is constantly there to confuse. It works through both people and places. Always presenting a double image, more often than not, it is practically identical to the real thing.

Classes in relaxation and stress-free living continually mislead people, in the belief that the outer environment has to comply in order to know peace. That mantras and affirmations can keep you solid inside. Contemplative meditation often focusing on scripture, using words, and not spirit to enforce its dominion also abound. All of it, a counterfeit replica of what we know is somehow right, but always very wrong. A counterfeit.

People constantly control others in order to keep their own peace, and their own sense of identity intact. Situations and places have to live in accordance with our own preconceived perceptions of how things should be, in order for us to retain some inner stability. It is this control that often has others seek a continually escape into a peaceful landscape, or else they begrudgingly conform.

Where is that inner dignity and grace which remains unmoved? Stillness in a storm. Those who sometimes display an outwardly restful and calm exterior, often panic and crumble, when even the smallest of mis-haps occur. All signs, that their counterfeit peace, their other face, does not work. But, how slow are we are getting this message presented to us every day?

Signs of counterfeiters can be seen in everyday life all around us. I have been slow at getting the point? Now there is only one way to spot the difference. Be Still and Know..

Friday, 5 September 2008

Every Saint was once a Sinner

Every Saint was once a Sinner

by S Edwards

In light of the recent grim discoveries of the bodies of 5 prostitutes found murdered in Ipswich, England, much debate and discussion has arisen relating to the violence that prostitutes endure and suffer at the hands of their clientele.

It is worth noting, that prostitution has been re-named in recent times to that of ‘sex worker’, subtly giving it a more noble tone to the service of sex in return for money, and it is the need of this money, from which the experts are now focusing the debate upon, and in particular, the need of money for drug addiction.

The latest line is prostitutes are vulnerable to violence because of their need to sustain and maintain their drug-addicted life through prostitution.

It is reported that many prostitutes work in order to feed their addiction of drugs and if the problem of drugs could be addressed, the need for women to sell their bodies for sex could possibly diminish.

The truth of course is, that prostitution has always existed, well before the advent of drug use, it existed, and it will continue to exist until a clear and honest reason is looked at on why people, especially women, sell their bodies.

Prostitution is a dirty word. Prostitution is rife. It resides in much of the human race to varying degrees, and though we may not have walked the streets in an obvious manner, there are not many who have not used a charm in some way or the other to get something in return. Though we may look down on these ladies of the night, and think that we could never do the same, an honest inward enquiry reminds us of the times we ‘freely’ exchanged our souls for that of a gift. We sell ourselves in a million unprincipled ways.

But what of the plight of the prostitute. What does so degrade a person that they are willing to sell their bodies to a stranger? What is it inside a person that can coldly dance in the dark with the unknown, risk disease, violence, and even death? Where is the ‘fear’, the protective factor that simply would not allow you to put yourself in such a position? Can it be that evilness has a comforting factor all of its own, and much like the Phantom of the Opera it calls with a romantic quality all of its very own, to those who love to dice with death and the Devil.

One of the most famous prostitutes was that of Mary Magdalene in the bible. Jesus healed Mary of seven evil spirits. It was in the presence of real Love that Mary was healed, and the spirits that had inhabited her body left. She was free.

It is unfortunate that in society today, the possibility of evil spirits inhabiting a person’s body has been relegated to the position of old-fashioned and out-dated biblical nonsense. The humanistic, caring professional today prefer to normalize today’s sinful behaviour by presenting such moral dilemma’s as merely unfortunate circumstances. No real discussion takes place on the spiritual exchange that occurs during such unfortunate circumstances. The real cause of all our problems.

The murder of the naked prostitutes found dead in undergrowth in the dark, damp, cold muddy fields of the British countryside is extremely sad. The answers to their death will not lie in tackling the drug problem, increasing welfare benefits, legalizing prostitution in favour of calling it ‘sex working’, nor will it result in martyring sex for sale as a service to frustrated men and women. The answer must surely lie in the spiritual exchange that exists, and distorts, the human make-up, changing our souls to that of darkness, causing us to sell our souls at any cost.

The answer is becoming hidden under hundreds of lies. People are being deceived. Prostitution will continue to exist, walking very dark and lonely paths, subject to similar spirits that crave and feed from human flesh. Violence begets Violence.

For others, more fortunate, still conscious of right and wrong, an answer always comes. Part of the answer to violence in prostitution lies in Mary Magdalene. She knew of the violence, the degradation and shame of her life. She had to repent. In His presence, and by His touch she received the remedy to all her ills, the casting out of seven evil spirits. In her cleanliness, she became a very favoured and fortunate woman in the bible.

Hope is never lost for those who look in the right place for an answer.

Every sinner has the potential a future

Thursday, 4 September 2008

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness

by S Edwards

The current movie staring Will Smith is an excellent example of one man’s struggle to find work and raise his son, alone, amidst the cut throat ‘survival’ of city life. It highlights some of the problems associated with homelessness and poverty, and similarly, highlights, the joy of seeing work and perseverance rewarded. It is also a touching story of a child’s trust in his father, in that that against all odds, and amidst degradation, betrayal and hopelessness, good overcomes all that is bad, when we resist the temptation of ‘despair’.

To pick ourselves up, and start over, in the face of adversity, is no mean feat. We carry the baggage of a thousand disappointments, all mixed and tainted, with memories and a shame we would rather forget. In our puny effort to rise above, we stumble quite often, at the reminder of a ‘failure’, when our hope was spoiled, and our efforts scoffed at.

But, I’ve noticed, pursuing happiness, takes many twists, when our mind is focused on anything other than the journey home from where we left all those millions of years ago, and whilst happiness to some is the road to wealth or fame, for those in the serious pursuit of happiness, the need for such ‘excess’ diminishes, in relation to that desire to sit in that garden with our father, before the fall.

We notice, there is a structure, an invisible spiders web, that keeps us enchained to a life, that is not our own. Every person, relative and friend we meet, disguises the spirit of ‘something’ to keep us there. Sometimes, we ‘martyr’ ourselves. We make friends with that force, that spirit, that holds dominion over our lives. In the wrong pursuit of happiness we can waste a life believing we are serving the true God.

Happiness is a serious business, and whilst every man should have a job, shelter and food, the pursuit of true happiness can never be fulfilled when we pursue any other goal, than the one we are truly called to follow first.

Almost everyone on the planet, searches for fulfilment. An unreachable ‘goal’ at times, will always be duplicated when attained, by a false happiness, temporary lived. It will always be a sign that we have taken the wrong road. Silently, the most wealthiest and seemingly happiest of people have bitter and disappointed lives.

Similarly, religion, whether reverent or of the ‘happy clappy’ type, will never suffice. In our silent moments, the truth, outshines its falseness.

Everyone is entitled to pursue a job and income, but The Pursuit of Happiness, is a film that could inspire many to achieve the wrong type of goal. But similarly, it is an inspirational film of one man’s courage not to fall into total despair.

Happiness for the child in this film, is being in the presence of his father. Sleeping on a toilet floor, or a hostel for homeless men, he does not complain. The loss of his one and only toy, distresses him briefly. In chidlike innocence he trusts that everything will be Okay, based on the love and courage of his father and his belief in him.

Surely this is the true pursuit of happiness. Who could ask for anything more than this .......

Frustration in the Anglican Church

Frustration in the Anglican Church

A Tale from the Parish Office

by S Edwards

Salvation and Peace at one time lay in the confines of the Parish Church and office. It was here I worked and found silence from the outside world in my working day for many years.

The stillness and peace were my only friends. The building was large, imposing and told stories of those who had once lived and worked within the parish. Faces of saints followed my moves as footsteps echoed down the silent aisles. At times a creak from the ancient pews would call for attention. The smell of musty books, a comforting reminder of ancient words of truth, filled the air mingled with the sweet aroma of flowers, arranged and displayed by mortal hands. All seemed well, but for the ache and the frustration that lingered within. The background buzz of the computer was my only contact with the modern world, that and the distant view of the hills, pulled me further to ‘something’ that seemed to be calling.

Silence would be dispersed with the arrival of a presence, followed by the footsteps of a ‘collared’ few who settled themselves in the cosy armchairs. Everything was quintessential and ‘English’, far removed from the urban chaos of the town. Cups of tea, polite conversation, serious issues regarding the music for the Sunday service! It was all so right, yet all so wrong. Frustration seemed to rage within me, for all the unanswered questions, the ‘whys’ that swam around. My pretence was a strain, and I wondered how long it would be, before I would be exposed before those who seemed so ‘right’. Silently, I would at times listen in on the victimized, the abused, the bereaved and the lost, that flooded through the doors, their hearts at times so ravaged by a world that held no answers.

Yet, He was there, being spoken about. Comforting words, words of Peace, words of Joy, words of Love. I watched them trickle through and bring a sigh of relief to those distraught, but I wondered how long they would need to hear their soothing balm and if they could carry it out into the world, the city that lay a few miles away, with all its evil, its crime, its harshness and the darkness of the nights that lay ahead, away from the confines of this sacred place.

Bewilderment left me on the outside as I thumbed through the pages of a bible, one of hundreds that filled the shelves, all to no avail. The words were empty, blank and meaningless. I focused on an outside pane – the words, Peace, Be Still.

Silently I sat, in my corner, looking out at the hypocrisy, in pain for the judgement I saw on those whose lives were as false as mine. Their acceptance of the views of the world, of sin, their embrace of all that was wrong, masked up and presented as compassion and understanding. My resentment showed and they revelled in their godliness, using words of scripture to mask the falseness that had imposed itself inside them. I was an outsider, but I belonged to No-One.

The unaswered question prevailed. I wanted to speak out so much against all that was wrong in the world and in my home. I needed an ally, a church, a friend to help. People were suffering and singing hymns about it. It did nothing to heal, nothing to change the ways of the world that was twisting and distorting the minds of innocents.

Everything was 'for the best', a favourite phrase to cover the hyprocrisy. The donations, pertetuated their shame lovingly handed over in sealed envelopes on the road to 'nowhere'.

The inner life, the being still, the remembrance and connection to one who had walked the path before brought me to a place of stillness that showed me Why. An observation of my falsehood, the parts, the characters and the scenes I have enacted, the shame of a life of pretense revealed all that had ever gone wrong. A disconnection from those who spoke of Him, drove me further to another place, ‘inside’, yet ‘outside’ the world and its clutches and to a knowable father, not created by stories of another or an illusion of my own creation, but a living God, waiting and watching all the time.

My frustration with the church, is that without its influence in this English place, this soulless island is lost. The spires and the steeples on this landscape are a landmark in every city and town, far removed now from the truly spiritual journey we should all make. There are however good people who care, who can see that the world is heading in the wrong direction who go, hopeful that real issues may be addressed here, that someone who speaks there, really can see the truth. They are misled, they look to idols and an image so sweet, but passive in all that is harming and damaging their mind. They do not know that to see the truth, you must expose the false. You cannot hide behind religiousity, yourself and others, and hope it will go away. The relief of honesty, the tricks, the games we play, gives Freedom

Despite my departure, I am grateful that in part there was a ‘place’ albeit outside myself, where something spoke to me and got through, and showed me The Way removing some of the scales from my eyes, revealing some understanding and sight in ways I had forgot.

He spoke through the stillness, calling continually, way above the words, the building and the image. He spoke internally to a place deep inside, once connected and now confused. He slowly returned by voice and took away some of the anger that prevented me speaking from my heart.

His story was embedded there, his singular path and all it stood for. The journey, the dissapointment, the betrayal, the pain.

His knowingness, His understanding. His Forgiveness and Salvation....... His Peace.

Surviving in the Wilderness - The Edge
Surviving in the Wilderness

by S Edwards

When you do what is right in your heart, you tend to stand on the edge of the crowd, not pulled away by the consensus. To not be a part of the crowd separates you. It often leads you to be ridiculed and patronized by others.

It can be difficult to stand alone. Human nature tends to want and need to conform to a group. It is in this group they gain courage and comfort.

In the 1998 film, The Edge, with Anthony Hopkins, the character stands alone. Wealthy and handsome in his own right, he is however, outshone by his beautiful young model wife and her friends.

Cast together in the wilderness, on a photo shoot in Alaska, (Charles) Anthony Hopkins has his common sense and knowledge ‘teased’ by a trendier more lively crowd, where image and fun mock the more noble qualities of his character. He remains quiet, yet aware. Good-humoured in their antics. He is however suspicious, and his suspicions boil down to his own cross in life, and that of mans love for money, fame and recognition.

It is an excellent ‘observation’ in how to not resent those who mock and terrorize you.

Tragedy always comes, and it is in this film that strength of character has its day.

Surviving a plane crash, the small team of survivors are left to go it alone. Without food, warmth or shelter, the qualities they need to survive are going to have to come from within. During the whole escapade, their plight is tested by a killer bear who continually treks them for supper.

It is interesting that despite their dependence on the older and more wiser of the group, the character of Charles, continues to be mocked. The group, bond to him on occasion, but more often than not are embarrassed by their own weakness, and react in the only way they know how to, with anger and ridicule.

How true is it, that at times I have thought my ways are better than those of common-sense. How often have I fell flat on my face thinking that I know what is best for me, rather than listen to the reason and voice of sense?

Our passage is continually hindered by that which we run away from, and it is in this film that the survivors, encouraged by Charles, do confront, rather than run, from their biggest fear, the bear. His power is ‘seemingly’ bigger than theirs, his strength more mighty and destructive.

The character, of Charles, is exasperating to those who give up at the first hurdle. His continued resilience, his overcoming, his forgiveness, his continued outstretched hand to help others up is rejected time and time again. Yet it is at the very end, he is called out to.

How much easier and free would lives be if they did not leave it to the very end to call out and acknowledge the one who can see the way out of the wilderness.

The whole harrowing adventure in the wilderness is survived by the ones who stand on the edge of the crowd, who listen to what they know is right, and carry it through. Mistakes are made along the way, but if you hang on to an invisible hand that is somehow leading, a strength appears, you make it out.

It is in the final scene, Anthony Hopkins ‘thanks’ the fallen comrades for helping save his life. Despite the ridicule, the miss-haps, the betrayal and lies, he is a better man, and they played a part in helping him see and realize this.

To stand on the edge means you have to stand alone, on the outside of the crowd, often ridiculed and made to doubt your common-sense, by those who sometimes appear more clever. Despite your many obvious attributes, such as looks or wealth, the crowd will always find ways to ridicule you, with youth, status and charm. There is always someone who ‘appears’ bigger chasing you, in this film represented by the killer bear. Holding ground, remaining still to something bigger than ourselves, is the only chance of survival. The only way out of the wilderness…It is then we do not get killed by the bear...... It is then we do not die in shame…..We are connected to someone so much bigger. He can lead us through deserts and oceans, and has no problem in helping us, if we listen to His voice.