Every Saint was once a Sinner
by S Edwards
In light of the recent grim discoveries of the bodies of 5 prostitutes found murdered in Ipswich, England, much debate and discussion has arisen relating to the violence that prostitutes endure and suffer at the hands of their clientele.
It is worth noting, that prostitution has been re-named in recent times to that of ‘sex worker’, subtly giving it a more noble tone to the service of sex in return for money, and it is the need of this money, from which the experts are now focusing the debate upon, and in particular, the need of money for drug addiction.
The latest line is prostitutes are vulnerable to violence because of their need to sustain and maintain their drug-addicted life through prostitution.
It is reported that many prostitutes work in order to feed their addiction of drugs and if the problem of drugs could be addressed, the need for women to sell their bodies for sex could possibly diminish.
The truth of course is, that prostitution has always existed, well before the advent of drug use, it existed, and it will continue to exist until a clear and honest reason is looked at on why people, especially women, sell their bodies.
Prostitution is a dirty word. Prostitution is rife. It resides in much of the human race to varying degrees, and though we may not have walked the streets in an obvious manner, there are not many who have not used a charm in some way or the other to get something in return. Though we may look down on these ladies of the night, and think that we could never do the same, an honest inward enquiry reminds us of the times we ‘freely’ exchanged our souls for that of a gift. We sell ourselves in a million unprincipled ways.
But what of the plight of the prostitute. What does so degrade a person that they are willing to sell their bodies to a stranger? What is it inside a person that can coldly dance in the dark with the unknown, risk disease, violence, and even death? Where is the ‘fear’, the protective factor that simply would not allow you to put yourself in such a position? Can it be that evilness has a comforting factor all of its own, and much like the Phantom of the Opera it calls with a romantic quality all of its very own, to those who love to dice with death and the Devil.
One of the most famous prostitutes was that of Mary Magdalene in the bible. Jesus healed Mary of seven evil spirits. It was in the presence of real Love that Mary was healed, and the spirits that had inhabited her body left. She was free.
It is unfortunate that in society today, the possibility of evil spirits inhabiting a person’s body has been relegated to the position of old-fashioned and out-dated biblical nonsense. The humanistic, caring professional today prefer to normalize today’s sinful behaviour by presenting such moral dilemma’s as merely unfortunate circumstances. No real discussion takes place on the spiritual exchange that occurs during such unfortunate circumstances. The real cause of all our problems.
The murder of the naked prostitutes found dead in undergrowth in the dark, damp, cold muddy fields of the British countryside is extremely sad. The answers to their death will not lie in tackling the drug problem, increasing welfare benefits, legalizing prostitution in favour of calling it ‘sex working’, nor will it result in martyring sex for sale as a service to frustrated men and women. The answer must surely lie in the spiritual exchange that exists, and distorts, the human make-up, changing our souls to that of darkness, causing us to sell our souls at any cost.
The answer is becoming hidden under hundreds of lies. People are being deceived. Prostitution will continue to exist, walking very dark and lonely paths, subject to similar spirits that crave and feed from human flesh. Violence begets Violence.
For others, more fortunate, still conscious of right and wrong, an answer always comes. Part of the answer to violence in prostitution lies in Mary Magdalene. She knew of the violence, the degradation and shame of her life. She had to repent. In His presence, and by His touch she received the remedy to all her ills, the casting out of seven evil spirits. In her cleanliness, she became a very favoured and fortunate woman in the bible.
Hope is never lost for those who look in the right place for an answer.
Every sinner has the potential a future
It is worth noting, that prostitution has been re-named in recent times to that of ‘sex worker’, subtly giving it a more noble tone to the service of sex in return for money, and it is the need of this money, from which the experts are now focusing the debate upon, and in particular, the need of money for drug addiction.
The latest line is prostitutes are vulnerable to violence because of their need to sustain and maintain their drug-addicted life through prostitution.
It is reported that many prostitutes work in order to feed their addiction of drugs and if the problem of drugs could be addressed, the need for women to sell their bodies for sex could possibly diminish.
The truth of course is, that prostitution has always existed, well before the advent of drug use, it existed, and it will continue to exist until a clear and honest reason is looked at on why people, especially women, sell their bodies.
Prostitution is a dirty word. Prostitution is rife. It resides in much of the human race to varying degrees, and though we may not have walked the streets in an obvious manner, there are not many who have not used a charm in some way or the other to get something in return. Though we may look down on these ladies of the night, and think that we could never do the same, an honest inward enquiry reminds us of the times we ‘freely’ exchanged our souls for that of a gift. We sell ourselves in a million unprincipled ways.
But what of the plight of the prostitute. What does so degrade a person that they are willing to sell their bodies to a stranger? What is it inside a person that can coldly dance in the dark with the unknown, risk disease, violence, and even death? Where is the ‘fear’, the protective factor that simply would not allow you to put yourself in such a position? Can it be that evilness has a comforting factor all of its own, and much like the Phantom of the Opera it calls with a romantic quality all of its very own, to those who love to dice with death and the Devil.
One of the most famous prostitutes was that of Mary Magdalene in the bible. Jesus healed Mary of seven evil spirits. It was in the presence of real Love that Mary was healed, and the spirits that had inhabited her body left. She was free.
It is unfortunate that in society today, the possibility of evil spirits inhabiting a person’s body has been relegated to the position of old-fashioned and out-dated biblical nonsense. The humanistic, caring professional today prefer to normalize today’s sinful behaviour by presenting such moral dilemma’s as merely unfortunate circumstances. No real discussion takes place on the spiritual exchange that occurs during such unfortunate circumstances. The real cause of all our problems.
The murder of the naked prostitutes found dead in undergrowth in the dark, damp, cold muddy fields of the British countryside is extremely sad. The answers to their death will not lie in tackling the drug problem, increasing welfare benefits, legalizing prostitution in favour of calling it ‘sex working’, nor will it result in martyring sex for sale as a service to frustrated men and women. The answer must surely lie in the spiritual exchange that exists, and distorts, the human make-up, changing our souls to that of darkness, causing us to sell our souls at any cost.
The answer is becoming hidden under hundreds of lies. People are being deceived. Prostitution will continue to exist, walking very dark and lonely paths, subject to similar spirits that crave and feed from human flesh. Violence begets Violence.
For others, more fortunate, still conscious of right and wrong, an answer always comes. Part of the answer to violence in prostitution lies in Mary Magdalene. She knew of the violence, the degradation and shame of her life. She had to repent. In His presence, and by His touch she received the remedy to all her ills, the casting out of seven evil spirits. In her cleanliness, she became a very favoured and fortunate woman in the bible.
Hope is never lost for those who look in the right place for an answer.
Every sinner has the potential a future
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