The Hidden Journey
by S Edwards
For priests who work in the ministry, in service to others, their accountability must be flawless. Whilst men are only human, and only God is Good, those who are called to serve do so often unaware of the responsibility that lies on their heads; for here is where the vulnerable and often the most weak amongst us look to during times of great distress and trouble.
It is often in the ministry, and most notably recorded in the catholic church, where stories of abuse have been the most prolific. Stories abound of both sexual, physical and mental abuse inflicted on those, who have looked to both men and women in positions of spiritual authority for help. These are the representatives of God, and whilst we must come to call no man teacher or father, for a while, it is these representatives who stand in a most privileged place that should have a ‘duty’ to protect and lead those less strong than themselves.
Much has been spoken about the forced ‘celibacy’ that many catholic priests undergo in their call to priesthood and service, and with very good reason. Unfortunately, little is spoken of the cause and the reason ‘why’ many men in the priesthood submit and subject themselves to a celibate life in the church. Many enter the ministry to overcome a more ‘darker’ side of their nature. Celibacy comes only by submission and discipline to God. In many instances it is more difficult for some than others to do this.
The Holy Mother is the most beautiful example of a woman called to serve, but she called her son Lord, and sought not to teach him his father’s way. Though she is respected and cherished as such, and many a mother’s heart is bonded with her, her influence in the catholic church, by which man has placed her, could possibly be a problem to those men who need Gods Love to destroy a certain type of spirit.
In the book ‘Hidden Journey.’ the mystic, and new age teacher, Andrew Harvey also speaks of his quest for spiritual enlightenment, and attributes his love and eventual enlightenment and final search to the avatar of ‘Mother Meera’. He now claims however, that the Indian guru, Mother Meera has cursed him with depression, since ‘disapproving’ of his recent marriage to another man. However, for many years he sat at her feet for ‘darshan’, a spiritual blessing from an avatar known as the incarnation of God on this earth. She accepted his homage willingly and knowingly.
Many priests entering the ministry, do so with every good intention, but with little understanding of our fallen natures, and the reason it exists. Whilst it is true that there is absolutely nothing that God cannot ‘heal’, there are many that duplicate the enlightened soul, such as in the case of Mother Meera and Andrew Harvey, who ride on the fame of ‘new age’ and hurt the unsuspecting. Harvey may not belong to any affiliated religion but his books damage others in their search for the spiritual answer, and Mother Meera could never replace nor lead Andrew Harvey to the love that he so desperately needed, which should have been that of a ‘Father’.
There are many in the ministry who will adhere to the vows they have made, and no-one will ever suspect that they live with an inner struggle that causes pain to themselves and others. This spirit can hide for a while, giving the impression it has gone, but it’s name is Sly, and it can cause great harm to many when it is unleashed on those who search for spiritual answers and find themselves in its presence. It preys on the weak and the vunerable, and it preys on those who show promise, who have a destiny. It is ‘rife’ in the churches, where in its infancy it went for some semblance of help and relief.
It attacks not only children, but adults, most ravenously, because it is here in a church where we should have the ‘utmost’ trust. It is here in the ‘haven’ of a church where evil can do its most serious damage.
Many people will enter into ministry believing they have been ‘called’ to do so. Could it be that this calling is not unto a ministry, but a calling from God himself to come to Him for healing.
The Sanhedrin, were the religious teachers and scholars of Christ’s day and most did not recognise their Saviour. Today many enter the ministry under the false assumption they have been ‘called’ to do so. It is in this confusion maybe, and the lack of discussion about why men and women enter the priesthood, and why they are so readily accepted that should be of paramount importance.Intention to preach, and to give one’s life to service in the church is a growing industry, and whilst those of us fortunate enough to find the inner journey alone, no longer suffer at the hands of misled priests, there are those, less fortunate.
The inner journey, the stillness, the objectivity we are encouraged to practise is spoken of continually through the pages of the bible. We are encouraged to pray privately, to rest in quiet places and to Be Still. We are fortunate that in this bad, mad and crazy world, we heard a voice, amidst the thousands of others, that led us back to sanity, and to our own sense within.
There are few in this world with the ability to lead us in these ways, and I wonder why the church overlooks the specific instructions that few men are too preach as a specific instruction.
There will always be some in every church who are indeed genuinely called to serve, but today they are becoming few. The true journey is becoming hidden. Sexual abuse will continue to grow within the church in the coming years. Polygamy is also on the increase with an emphasis on the current law making it illegal for polygamy to now be changed. Based on the facts that people outside a religious group are not persecuted for having multiple partners and children, the anti-discriminatory laws are now set in favour of the religious polygamist. It is worth noting however, that many sects that promote polygamy also marry girls as young as 13 years.
The TV programme ‘Big Love’ about the life of a polygamist’s family has also paved the way forward for polygamy to become more acceptable and attractive.
Amidst the millions of believers on this planet, how true is it that wide is the gate, and narrow is the path, and few are those who will find it. This is indeed a narrow journey, it has been confused often by those we were meant to trust. The true journey, the being still, is not hidden from those who sincerely search for Truth. The answer will always be, in this world of different faiths. Be Still and Know.
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