Sunday, 20 June 2010

Happy Fathers Day

I never fully appreciated my husband until he wasn't around, and I'm not quite sure my children did to., until they were older. But one things for sure, the absence of a father leaves one great big gap in someone's life, and can have devasting effects on children growing up in homes with a single parent.

Women tend to make a bit more fuss on these special 'Mothers' Day events, in my mind, and it seems that only recently, has a bit more attention been paid to the Dads.

I'm not quite sure if its a commercial thing to make more money, or a social awareness, but men are becoming more recognised, and rightly so. The consequences of young men getting into trouble, comitting suicide, having drug and drink problems, is much higher in single parent homes, particularly when the father is not around. People are becoming more aware of that reality, now the damage is done.

We all seem to know what the perfect father would be like, and although many of us grow up with or without one, we have fathers who of course sometimes fall short of what that ideal would be like. Many have a secret contempt for their fathers.

Nonetheless, although I didnt appreciate my father when I was a child, I can apperciate him now. Although he is gone.

I think the nicest thing I remember, although I hated it then, was my father standing on the doorstep looking at his watch, when I was late home. It makes me smile to think of it now.

Similarly, my late husband always waited up for me, if I had to go out at night. It very much felt like he was looking out for me. It was something I missed for many years after.

Women and children, if they are sensible, like that protectiveness, and it is a different strength and protectiveness to what mothers give, which is sometimes too suffocating, and very needy.

So Happy Father Days to anyone reading. And thank you to my late father and husband, and most importantly God, my heavenly father. For always waiting on the doorstep for my late return.
A great article above by Chuck Baldwin about Masculinity
and a link to
Michael Glatze. A man with an awful lot of courage.
His article addressed to Christians on Love, highlights us not leaning on our own understanding about what Love is, and the power that God (the father) has in fighting sin. So very uplifting and inspiring.

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