Saturday, 26 June 2010

Charlie from The Love Police is Arrested.

I really love Charlie. He's a man with guts. He's doing nothing wrong other than alerting people and getting them to wake up to the madness going on in our world. This he does legally, and very pleasantly, I might add. He's not venement, just slightly puzzled I think why we cannot see the abuse of our freedoms being taken away from us.
He unfortunately got arrested in Toronto. His crime was using his megaphone, and not giving his name.
He understands that the police have a job to be done, but similarly he is also exposing laws which are being abused against ordinary people. So his demeanour is always very calm and pleasant, never aggresive or antagonistic. He does however use sattire and irony in 'the right way'
The police do not have a right to demand someones name unless they are arresting them for a criminal offence. In which case they then do tell offenders that they have 'a right to remain silent' Puzzling!
The police seem to be using the law of the 'Terrorism Act 2000' a lot to demand that they can stop and search people, and although our police have an awful lot to deal with, it seems though that the time when you were considered innocent unless proven to be guilty have been turned upside down.

For every evil act, there are people around who look the other way, or do not intervene in some way. To remain neutral, is actually to side with the evil-doers. This is why the mistaken belief that peace and love alone can save this world is wrong; that way of thinking is precisely the kind of docile and lazy one-sided thinking that evil men LOVE the masses to believe, for it means they stand aside as the agenda is pushed through. Quote from Charlie Veitch

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Official Opening - Headley Court

It is really nice to know that recognition and specialist rehabilitation is being given to injured servicemen who are coming back from war injured and maimed. Headley Court has been built on funds raised from the public who have really got behind supporting Help for Heroes, and its founders.
Just ordinary people helping ordinary men and women doing their job.
Extract from the speech pf Prince William on opening of Headley Court .....
“Very occasionally – perhaps once or twice in a generation – something or someone pops up to change the entire landscape. Help 4 Heroes, under the magnificent and brilliantly quirky leadership of the mad cartoonist, Bryn, and his equally inspirational wife, Emma, is one such phenomenon. What it has achieved here at Headley Court is, in truth, but the tip of the iceberg. Help for Heroes has galvanised the entire British people. Always supportive of its men and women in uniform, this Country has been elevated by Help for Heroes to a state of realisation and proactive support for our military that has made me, personally, very, very proud to be British, and a member of our Armed Forces.”
The message from H4H website.
The message is simple: H4H does not seek to criticise or be political, we simply want to help and to do so by asking everyone to do their bit to raise money. Once that money is raised, we go to the experts in the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force for guidance as to how best to spend it. It is our intention to spend all we raise on the practical, direct support of those wounded in the service of our country since 9/11.
My own view is that we should help our servicemen. But how much longer must we see them bought home in coffins each week, or maimed for life. If this war is about defending our country, it makes sense of sacrifice, and courage. If there is another agenda. Shame on those sending our troops. The support for H4H from the ordinary britsh man and women on the streets of Britain is what makes Britain decent, and testifies that the spirit of goodness still reigns. Its times when I see the ordinary men and women doing whats right, that I know true decency has not been extinguished.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Happy Fathers Day

I never fully appreciated my husband until he wasn't around, and I'm not quite sure my children did to., until they were older. But one things for sure, the absence of a father leaves one great big gap in someone's life, and can have devasting effects on children growing up in homes with a single parent.

Women tend to make a bit more fuss on these special 'Mothers' Day events, in my mind, and it seems that only recently, has a bit more attention been paid to the Dads.

I'm not quite sure if its a commercial thing to make more money, or a social awareness, but men are becoming more recognised, and rightly so. The consequences of young men getting into trouble, comitting suicide, having drug and drink problems, is much higher in single parent homes, particularly when the father is not around. People are becoming more aware of that reality, now the damage is done.

We all seem to know what the perfect father would be like, and although many of us grow up with or without one, we have fathers who of course sometimes fall short of what that ideal would be like. Many have a secret contempt for their fathers.

Nonetheless, although I didnt appreciate my father when I was a child, I can apperciate him now. Although he is gone.

I think the nicest thing I remember, although I hated it then, was my father standing on the doorstep looking at his watch, when I was late home. It makes me smile to think of it now.

Similarly, my late husband always waited up for me, if I had to go out at night. It very much felt like he was looking out for me. It was something I missed for many years after.

Women and children, if they are sensible, like that protectiveness, and it is a different strength and protectiveness to what mothers give, which is sometimes too suffocating, and very needy.

So Happy Father Days to anyone reading. And thank you to my late father and husband, and most importantly God, my heavenly father. For always waiting on the doorstep for my late return.
A great article above by Chuck Baldwin about Masculinity
and a link to
Michael Glatze. A man with an awful lot of courage.
His article addressed to Christians on Love, highlights us not leaning on our own understanding about what Love is, and the power that God (the father) has in fighting sin. So very uplifting and inspiring.

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Good News

Women who are seeking to get an abortion in Louisiana, will now be required to have an unltrasound, under a new bill that received its final legislative passage this week.
This is really good news, and may save the life of many babies, and also the mental well-being of many women in the future. Some, who, after having had an abortion, spend years with regert over the wrong decision they have made. Rarely do we hear of the trauma, or the ill health, they experience.
Ultrasounds, and photographs of the baby in the womb, before going through with an abortion, may bring a touch of reality to some women, dispelling the myth that an unborn baby is a mere embryo, even at a few weeks old.
Everyone deserves a chance to live

Saturday, 12 June 2010


He looked to the creature - instead of the Creator

Why look there - Would you look to the North Pole to gather fruits ripened in the sun?

Fear Not before superior numbers, shrink not from difficulties or impossibilities, flinch not at wounds or death, smile with the two-edged sword of the spirit, and the slain will lie in heaps. The battle is the lords, and he will deliver his enemies into our hands.

We shall not grow weary of waiting upon God if we remember how long and how graciously He once waited for us.

No where has God ever said - Seek me in vain.

The God of peace gives perfect peace to those whose hearts are stayed upon Him. Charles Spurgeon.

Empty Nests
The house is empty now. Early mornings, waking up to a new stillness, a new battle exists. The beauty in stillness, battling the echoes of memories.

Empty bedrooms, where once children laughed, fought and cried, are neat, fresh and tidy. No more strewn clothes across the floor, and gone is the anger, of picking them all up.

Just my sound, and just my breath. No-one to look at, just myself.

Looking out the window the trees sway in a cool early morning breeze. They have stood there all this time, and never moved. Birds have made nests in them, and then flown away to pastures new. Its a strange feeling. And thats what it is.

The past has to go, and each day is new.

Being alone, and now living alone, is a whole new ball game. It happens to many when they are old and grey and some sit in corners and reminise about the past. More often than not this is where they stay.

So each day a small battle takes place. Who will get in first. Memories of how things were, how they could and should have been. Or a new life, of letting go, not delving into or wondering what will happen next. Just being.

Cars start to drive past the house. The children next door, wake up. Their footsteps and laughter can be heard. Its quite a lovely sound. Birds start singing, flying to and fro, the biggest tree outside the window. One sits on the windowsill and peeps in. Its a beautiful morning, and its going to be a beautiful new day, if I make the right choice.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Dont Give Up

There are just so many scenes in this short film, that hold a great deal of meaning.
In particular, a real eye opener to me is the lack of faith, 'doubt' which is highlighted, that even then, during the time of christ's ministry, healing, and the raising of the dead, were somehow shocking and unbelievable events. Even when they saw it with their own eyes.
It makes me think of the lies we are told. How our transference of believing in a God, to whom nothing is impossible, has changed over thousands of years.
We look to so many people for answers, without looking inside. After a while they just cannot satisfy the real answers and explanations that you long for...
There is a great scene in this film when Mary Magdelen, drops everything she is doing. When the world in which she exists vanishes in the presence of someone who she knows has her answers... And there is Peter, who somehow knows he has to leave a life he is used to, a simple life, to follow a more difficult one.
There are so many times during the day when I see the lies and uselessness of the world we live in. Like two worlds. One trying to displace the real one. Who do you ever talk to this about, and who really longs to know the truth...