Sunday, 7 February 2010


It was so nice to come across the attached article about Tim Tenbow. Despite the negative attack on his family. His message speaks much louder.
He is most certainly a young man who has his priorities right. He states that his main priority in life is God, followed by his family, academics, and lastly football.
Is this surprising. Tim Tenbow is a Heisman trophy winner football quarterback for Florida Gators.
Focus on the Family plan to air a pro-life advert during the championship game of the National Football League in America, relating to Tim and his family.
The attack from pro-abortion and homosexual rights groups to stop the advert being aired is a viscious attack. I wondered at first why the later group were so involved. After listening to his interview I believe the attack may not be directly aimed at the pro life message.
The attack is on the priorities that Tim Tenbow speaks about in his life. The first being the Love of God above all else.
If everyone did this. What a better place the world would be.

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