Saturday, 21 November 2009

The Ex Gay Story in the Music Pop World

No one can tell another person who they are at their core.
Yet, every day we accept sticky labels pinned on us by mankind.
We grow up being moulded by society, by families, by friends, by lack of love. The world and our emotions control us, and makes us do strange things. Not many people wonder who they really are. They think they already know. They do not see they are puppets. That no one is living their own life.
I love the above story. It is Giuseppe Povia's story. (Luca) If he is trying to influence people, than he is doing nothing more than everyone else out there. And shouldn't he be free to sing his story. Why do people want to shut him up. Could it be the truth is painful to those who want to keep us trapped? Could it be his story of freedom offends.
What a terrible death sentance mankind imposes on another when it tell them there is no other way of being. Where people claim to fight for their right of choice, real choice is denied to some, who also have another side to a story.

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